East Nile ERR
The district of East Nile consists of 17 administrative units. East Nile ERR works through one central room that is broken down to the following offices: health, services, food, missing and census. The ERR is assisting with logistical needs at Alban Jaded and Umdawwanban Hospitals. It also run medical clinics at: Alasylat, Umdawwanban, Alaylafoun, East Soba, Almarabi and AlSheikh Alamen. The ERR works on medical assistants, assisting in fixing electric outages, setting up neighborhood soup kitchens and working on collecting data to further assist in humanitarian aid.
East Nile ERR has one central room that has the following offices:
- The Medical Office supervises health clinics in the administrative units: Al-Osilat/ Um Douban/ Al-Ailafoun/ Soba Sharq/ Al-Marabea/ Sheikh Al-Amin and two hospitals: Alban Jaded and Umdawwanban.
- Women Response Room
- Missing Persons Office
- Humanitarian and Nutrition Office (supervises neighborhood kitchens)
- Services Office (supervises electricity and water),
- Statistics Office (provides evacuation information)