Khartoum Emergency Response Room
The district of Khartoum Locality consists of 15 administrative units. facilitated by the Khartoum State Emergency Response Room (ERR) and executed by Khartoum ERR. Khartoum ERR has 10 active ERRs organized by administrative units the ERRs are :
Jreif West ERR, Jabra ERR, Buri ERR, Tutti ERR, Arkaweet ERR, Al-Taif ERR, Al-Mamoura ERR, Al-Diyum ERR, and Al-Azuzab ERR, and Soba ERR and they coordinate through the following offices: health, services, food, women response room, census and media. However, due to escalating security challenges, some ERRs ceased operations, while others are currently undergoing reorganization. Notably remained operational during the reported period: Arkaweet & Almaoura, AlTaif, Al Shagara, Jabra, and West Jiraif. The continued dedication of these ERRs underscores their resilience in delivering aid amid evolving circumstances.