
Omdurman ERR

Omdurman locality contains 16 administrative units, 12 of these administrative units are residential divided to three regions. Omdurman ERR works through three regional response rooms: Old Omdurman, Alarbaien and South Omdurman and has 5 ERRs and assists in the logistics of Omdurman and Abu Saad Hospitals.

Omdurman local ERRs started working on: April 16, a day after the outbreak of the war, and they continue to work hard to serve and cover the needs of the region working on:

  1. Operating the health clinics with a focus on family medicine
  2. Operating a field clinic ready in the event of any clash on district level
  3. Providing and delivering medicine as needed to the clinics
  4. Follow up the work of maintenance of electrical and water faults
  5. Providing food to the families in need
  6. Providing for special women’s needs

Omdurman ERR is divided into 3 main rooms: Old Omdurman (4 rooms), Al Arbaeen (2 rooms) and Omdurman South (4 rooms) with a total of 10 base ERRs.